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Calibre – a Kindle’s best friend, Part 1

April 16, 2010

This is the introductory post on the calibre software and will cover basic installation and setup, followed by standard periodical downloads and subscriptions. Future posts will explore more of its features and uses–automization of the calibre subscription process; custom periodicals and blog feeds (via user-defined “recipes”); converting different eBook formats into Kindle-friendly .mobi format; editing metadata of eBooks; integration with Instapaper; organization of your eBooks.

I can honestly say that the calibre software is a must-have for ereader owners (Kindle, iPad, nook, Sony, etc) who regularly read periodicals, blogs or internet-clipped articles.

Installation and Setup

Step 1: Download the free calibre software for your computer (Windows, OS X, Linux)

Step 2: Install the program, accepting the default options

Step 3: Open calibre – the Welcome Wizard should lead you through setting up your software for your specific ereader device. If not, make sure you do the following:

  • Choose your default eBook output: “Preferences”->”General”->”Preferred output format”->select “MOBI”

Subscribing to a periodical

[Note: You can connect your Kindle to your computer via the USB cable at any time]

Step 1: Click the icon labeled “Fetch News”

Step 2: Locate a desired publication in the catorgorized tree-list (note: there is a )

Step 3: Click the “Download Now” button and/or check the “schedule” box if you would like to make this a regularly and automatically downloaded periodical.

Step 4: Repeat the same for any other desired publications, clicking the “OK” button when you have finished.

If your Kindle is already connected to the computer, calibre will automatically transfer the publications to your Kindle as soon as they finish downloading. If not, connecting your Kindle to the computer at any time while calibre is running will cause calibre to automatically transfer the publications to your Kindle.

That is it for the basic introduction to calibre–the next post will cover more advanced scheduling techniques including auto-waking of your computer and calibre software.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. Craig permalink
    November 21, 2010 5:44 pm

    If I fetch a newspaper, is it free or is there a fee? Your post did not mention anything about this, so I fetched a newspaper and e-mailed it to my ffree gmail account. then I opened up my Kindle for PC and saw my newspaper. I tried to to a WiFi sync, but it didn’t find it.

    Question 1: How do I know if I’m gogin to be charged for the newspaper? (If I’m charged, I’ll want to be able to cancel it).
    Question 2: How do I wirelessly ttransfer the newspaper to my Kindle 3?


    • November 30, 2010 10:51 am

      1) No charge if you transfer them via USB to your Kindle 2 or 3 or if you transfer them via Wi-Fi to your Kindle 3

      2) If you have a Kindle 3, you will just set your email delivery preference in calibre to your Kindle email address (e.g. This makes the Kindle 3 and calibre an even more perfect match.

      • Fernando permalink
        February 12, 2011 2:33 am

        If i send the feed from calibre to, does amazon charge me anything? Could I get in trouble if i do this, cause amazon already have newspapers, and they charge for them.

  2. February 16, 2011 12:44 am

    I don’t believe so. Calibre emails me the Huffington Post, Lifehacker, and I Love My Kindle blog posts all the time through my Kindle email. And its totally free! Just go to Manage Your Kindle, and set document charge to zero (0).

  3. Line permalink
    January 5, 2012 12:18 pm

    Calibre works perfect with Kindle. I used Calibre to transfer the ebooks i buy from

  4. January 13, 2013 2:13 pm

    I personally needed to discuss this particular article, “Calibre – a Kindles
    best friend, Part 1 Kindlelove or: How I Learned to
    Stop Dawdling and Love the eReader” together with my best buddies on
    facebook itself. I actuallymerely sought to pass on ur great posting!

    Thanks a lot, Jefferey


  1. Calibre – a Kindle’s best friend, Part 2 « Kindlelove or: How I Learned to Stop Dawdling and Love the eReader
  2. Calibre – list of english-language publications « Kindlelove or: How I Learned to Stop Dawdling and Love the eReader

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